Northwestern Marketing Concepts: A real work family

A few weeks ago, a member of our office found out that her mother was getting very sick and may not make it through the month. As a young 18 year old, she did not have the savings to pick up and go down to California at the snap of a finger. As soon as she told someone within the office, the word was out, how can we get her to see her mother as soon as possible? Many ideas were thrown throughout the office. After a few hours of speaking, the office had raised more than enough money for her to fly there and back that same weekend. She was overjoyed, never felt so supported by a group of people that she had worked with.
Here at Northwestern Marketing Concepts, we feel that everyone is happier when they are reaching their goals, and being rewarded for their hard work. We also know that it is easier to be successful with the support from the people around you, which is what we take pride in.
